Cloth Diapering a Newborn is really the best way to go because cloth diapering parents report far less blowouts than disposable diapering parents- who wants to clean liquid poop up at 4am? Of course, cloth diapers are better for the environment, baby's health and your wallet.
Buying newborn cloth diapers at $20 or $25 each can add up quickly. 24 diapers * $20 = $480. Seems expensive but in the long run you'd still be coming out ahead of disposables when cloth diapering with a 2 size system for over 2 years for cost + health + the environment.
However, there's a way to do newborn cloth diapering less expensively and just as effective.
Bummis recently came out with the ever popular Newborn pack- it's popular for a reason!
The Bummis Newborn Pack includes: 2 Super Brite Covers with leg gussets + 12 Organic Cotton Prefold Diapers (A Newborn Pack costs $43.95 and 2 packs will be all you need to get into one size diapers).
Another option- Rent your newborn diapers!
The basics:
I want to have 24 diapers or more to allow for less laundry
A few different styles so families can get an idea of what works best for them
So far, my ideal newborn stash aka the rental will be:
A couple All in one cloth diapers for the diaper bag/grandma/sleepless nights
2 AMP All in one diapers for ease of use and good fit
(I describe these as a cloth version of a disposable)
1 Tots Bots Tini Fit (5-12 lbs)
Now some fitteds:
1 Bamboozle (Size 1 6-18 lbs) Fitted Diaper
Diaper Covers for the fitted cloth diapers:
1 Super Brite Size Small Diaper Cover
1 Super Whisper Wrap Diaper Cover Size Small
1 Super Snap (basically a 'Super Whisper Wrap' with snaps)
A Bummis Newborn pack:
12- Organic Cotton Prefolds (fit 4-9 lbs)
Pocket Diapers:
3- AMP Small Duo Cloth Diapers
2- Fuzzibunz Perfect Fit Pocket Diaper Size Small
1- AMP All in 2 Cloth Diaper Cover
3- Bamboo Inserts (For use with AMP Duo diapers or All in 2)
4- Two Layer Hemp Inserts (For use with AMP Duo diapers or All in 2)
One-Size Diapers:
1- AMP One-Size Duo Cloth Diaper
1- Tots Bots Easy Fit All in one(8-35 lbs)
1- Fuzzibunz One-Size (8-35 lbs)
FuzziBunz Hanging Diaper Pail (for storing soiled diapers)
Bummis Medium Wet Bag (for storing soiled diapers out and about)
The cost will be about $19/week with a deposit refunded upon return of diapers.
Very cute diapers you have.The pricing is very cheap,which can be affordable.Nice post.Thanks for sharing and writing this post.